Another Into the Aether listener here. I went through their specials backlog last year, as well as the Besties backlog (Resties specials, mostly), and some ATP specials. I assume this, plus the fact that I’m somehow commuting and driving even less this year, contributed to my listening total being down 278 hours from last year. I think end-of-the-year specials will help me make some hours up this month, but that was a bit of a shocker.
Also, Overcast puts my lifetime Smart Speed savings at 375 hours “beyond speed adjustments alone.”
I was mostly PocketCasts this past year but just in the last month I jumped back into Overcasts for a while. I saved both of mine to add up my usage for the year. Longest episode was an Acquired episode of course. I just discovered that podcast in the last year and have gone back through the catalog. If you added up all 3 Berkshire Hathaway episodes, it would have been over 10 hours! Love that podcast.
In total I have 860 hours of podcast listening and these numbers don’t count the time I flirted with Spotify and Apple Podcasts as my podcast players. I usually check them all out once a year for a few weeks.I keep coming back to PocketCasts but Marco is slowly winning me back over with Overcast this past month.
Also I’d love to see the intersection of someone who listens to sports talk, ATP, Rogan, Albert Mohler, Honestly, and The Daily. Can you tell I’m politically homeless?
I think I can probably guess your politics from your podcasts.
This forum’s demographic has always kind of fascinated me (but it is also completely different now than it was 2-3 years ago). ATP vs MPU listeners seem to be very different, but this thread has more ATP in the top slots than MPU, which surprised me. Also very Christian here, which I have never understood why.
I’ve also noticed this among the broader Apple community. I think it’s just a ven diagram of Christians wanting to live intentionally and mindfully and tech nerds which I think leads to Apple due to their design philosophy and general vibe. The Apple community is also pretty USA/Canada/British Commonwealth heavy which are all heavily Christian.
I’m what amounts to agnostic, but I’m married to a very Christian (and blind) woman who loves her Apple products to the point where she uses my old 11in iPad Pro just for a bible and hymn book because it’s more portable than her 13in iPad Pro. She’s also obsessed with her own productivity so it’s always a little amusing seeing how many other Christian Apple nerds there are on these communities. I really enjoy their contributions, particularly a certain Southern educator who enjoys posting here!
In my military days, I had multiple people tell me that using Apple products was a “liberal thing”. Which I always thought was silly, but I had no evidence whether that was correct or not.