Panic Nova app goes to V10

There’s a lot of Nova versus VSCode and I totally get it. VSCode is way more capable and way more extensible. In my mind, that’s part of what’s wrong with it. A tool that can do everything is rarely good at most of the things it does.

But… worst of all… it is made by a company whose motto is (or should be) “Meh. Ship it.”

When I was trying out VSCode, I downloaded some SFTP extensions to try out. And while they probably technically worked, I was unimpressed by all the hassle I had to go through. Enable this, enable that, go here, edit a text file to configure things, jiggle this handle, etc.

I get that it’s a programming tool, and I’m perfectly capable of doing that sort of stuff. I just prefer tools where things work out of the box.

The problem I had with the VSCode SFTP extensions were they worked until they didn’t. The console would say they uploaded but nothing changed. The fix was a restart but a real pain

The fiddling and setting up for a new site can be annoying . I usually copy and paste from an existing project and change a few params.

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Yes, exactly this. It’s a programmer’s tool, but you shouldn’t need to use programmer skills to get the darned thing to work.

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Shout-out to Panic. Inspired by this thread, I went to try Nova again to see if the crashing issue is still the case. Trial expired. I asked support if it was possible to reset the trial, and they gave me a 30-day temp serial number to give it a shot again. :slight_smile:


If you have SFTP access, have you tried VS Code’s Remote SSH feature? It was super slick when I used it, I’ve since moved to git repos and build pipelines.

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Panic has killed 3 apps that I paid for. I am not really comfortable giving them $100 for an app. I expect them to kill Prompt at anytime.


Which ones? 20 characters…

Unison, Transmit iOS, Coda

I use VS code daily for work because I mainly develop in Azure environments and develop using Typescript. I tried Sublime which I like for its speed, VS code is slow in comparison, I never really tried Nova. VS code is not perfect, but the integration with Microsoft Azure is very good which is something I miss in other tools.

To be fair, Nova is really the next version of Coda. They just changed the name due to a clash.

But there was also Status Board that got canned.

…and asked for more money.

I forgot about Status Board. I never owned that one though.

Yes. That’s a concept software vendors have been offering for years. I just paid good money for v2 of the Affinity products.

Yes, I don’t think you can call it a discontinuation when they offered upgrade pricing from Coda.

It’s a shame they couldn’t figure out how to make their iOS apps profitable and to keep them up with the changing App Store market but it’s not a character flaw.

No one’s obligated to use or buy any text editor, of course.

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if I remember correctly, the upgrade price as more than I paid for Coda… its been a while so Im not 100% sure on that. There was some reason I balked.

Except for BBEdit.


a lot of us did but the deal they gave us is incredible.

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No, you can’t go wrong with BBEdit! I always have a copy in my Applications folder. I use the do-everything BBEdit editor for all my plain text needs that fall outside the purview of my favorite notes app, NotePlan. Even files that are not obviously plain text, can be opened in BBEdit, allowing me to poke around in them to see what I can see. :slightly_smiling_face:


…and they haven’t asked for money for years.

“It’s been 5 years. We’re a reliable dev that’s been taking care of bugs and issues, and we have a new version with more features.”

Even if they hadn’t offered the discount. I still would’ve happily upgraded. I just probably would’ve waited a couple months. :slight_smile:

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I’d call it a “spiritual successor”. From what I’ve seen & heard it was a ground-up re-envisioning/rewrite, it has a different/incompatible plugin architecture, and there are enough other differences that it’s not really the same app.

I did not own the v1 apps as I am an adobe subscriber, but I respect what they are doing so I grabbed the v2 Suite. The problem is my two most used apps are Photoshop and Premiere… The affinity apps can only help me with one of those… I don’t think I will ever escape Premiere.