Password Manager - 1Password 8 is just not working for me

I stopped using 1Password for several reasons. I had been using it since 2011 and really enjoyed it. The company always presented itself as your friendly neighborhood programmers from down the streets, but they became more corporate with the release of 1Password 7. They broke a lot of promises and replaced their native app with Electron. Additionally, they moved to a subscription model and made it difficult to find the cancel button, burying it deep in submenus.

Iā€™m just using Apple keychain and it is working fine. As a backup/ on Windows Iā€™m using Bitwarden. I tried Strongbox, it would be my third choice. I prefer Bitwarden to Strongbox because it looks the same on Windows while Keepass isnā€™t the same as Strongbox.

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Iā€™m actually thinking of migrating from Bitwarden to either Keychain or 1P. And I might migrate my parents to Keychain, who are on my BW family plan. I started using BW since before Keychain got pretty good. I like BW but being open source, their Mac/iOS polish isnā€™t great (see Safari extension). My parents are iOS/Windows (Edge), so migrating to Keychain shouldnā€™t be a problem. Except it took them a while to grasp using a manager in the first place and they kind of use it wrong but itā€™s better than the notebook with scratched out passwords.

For me however, besides iOS, I use Safari + Firefox (containers!) on the Mac, and Firefox on Windows. And unfortunately thereā€™s no Firefox browser extension for Keychain.

I really dislike Bitwarden UI. It looks very dated and many 1Password features are missing.