I recently discovered an excellent feature in the Kindle app: a “reading ruler.” When enabled, the app displays a translucent coloured bar over the text at a certain position in the page. Screenshot:
You can change the colour, the height, and the style of the bar.
I find it speeds up my reading considerably, but I would never want to import most of my readings (PDFs) into the Kindle app. Is anyone aware of a PDF reader with such a feature? Ideally one that can open files in place (to avoid the import-export do-see-doh).
I’ve looked at Highlights, PDF Expert, PDF Viewer, and Flexcil, to no avail.
And yes, I realize I could probably use an actual physical reading ruler (gasp) to accomplish this, app-agnostic… I’m thinking about it!
There’s also an app called overlays that works pretty well, and it’s not PDF specific. I don’t know if there’s an iOS version as I’m not an iPhone user.
Of the main offerings I’m only aware that Kindle offers this; even Apple’s Books and the common library apps (Libby and Bluefire Reader) do not. Given that it’s potentially an accessibility tool I assume it’s technologically difficult to implement? No idea. I have it enabled on Kindle too, I don’t really need it but I find it helps me focus.
I would be loathe to move any PDFs to Kindle though so I’d rather go without than do that!
Hope I’m not too late… You can do this with the screen zoom feature : )
The following two articles are written by me and they are published in Chinese, but you can easily read them with the help of translation tools (My personal opinions are behind a paywall, while the technical aspects are simple and tips sufficient: just Zoom : D)