PDF to Evernote Workflow Request on Mac

I’m looking for a way, with preferably one tool (Hazel or Keyboard Maestro, etc…), to monitor a folder for PDFs, mostly bank statements or bills, and extract the due date and financial institution name from the PDF and rename the file to include both of these components and share to Evernote.

I’ve been using a similar workflow for years.

Take a look at Hazel custom attributes: https://www.noodlesoft.com/manual/hazel/attributes-actions/attribute-reference/using-custom-attributes/ to find dates within the PDF and store them like a variable with a custom name, which you can use later in the rule to rename the file.

As for the Evernote piece, I use this AppleScript:

tell application "Evernote"
	create note from file theFile notebook {"notebook-name"} tags {"tag-name"}
end tell

Where notebook-name is replaced with the name of the notebook you want to create the note in, and tag-name is replaced with the name of the tag you want to use. Be sure to include the quotes.

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