A non-tech friend has asked me to help her manage her photos.
Guessing she’ll be only “iPhone & cloud” and may not dust off and use her old Macbook Pro. to keep a central library/back-up.
What is the best way to ensure ALL the photos stay in the cloud and she can delete them on her phone (without deleting them on the cloud)?
And, does anyone have experience with iCloud for Windows? … That is where I probably will need to point her.
My big fear is having her upload all the photos from her phone to the cloud; then having her delete all the photos on her phone and they disappear EVERYWHERE!
She bought the smallest capacity iPhone during the black Friday sales and wants to take photos; then free up space on the phone and take & upload more photos.
I don’t manage photos this way; so have limited experience.
Later, she plans to buy an Apple TV to show off albums, etc. on their television and I’m sure she’ll want to share photos with her mother, etc.
Y’all know the dangers of helping someone with their system(s). If she accidentally deletes and loses kid photos, etc., it’ll be my “job” to recover them.
I’ve been reading about how to set this up for her in Windows here:
I’d LOVE a central-management system for myself and I’m re-listening to the Photo Management show as I type this post (#255: Photos.app and Photo Management, May 11th, 2015). Reading the thread here titled, “What are you using to manage your photos?” … Maybe, for me, Lightroom may become an answer… Just not fond of subscription services for software.
For my friend: David and Katy seem to stress that it’s a great idea to choose a main computer to be that local back-up. … I think so too. Will prob. get her onto her PC w/ the Apple Photo app.
Looking forward to hearing your thoughts!