Pinning – Calendar app?

Has anyone use this app? If so, what do you think?

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It’s made by the same developers as Anybox, a bookmark manager I find really useful and well-designed. I downloaded Pinning out of curiosity. While it seemed interesting, it felt like a solution to a problem I don’t have, since I’m not looking for a calendar replacement or supplement. I was also a bit hesitant because, for an app that’s apparently been around for four years, there are very few reviews in the App Store and little information online. I’d l’d also like to know if anyone here has used Pinning as it intrigues me as well.

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It looks interesting.

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Looks nice, but it’s a subscription… (or €34,99 lifetime)

Does anyone know whether it only works with local calendars or also with Fastmail (, Google, etc.)?