Power User Input on New App

This looks very much like what I’ve been wanting an app for, if it’s as good as it seems and within my budget I’d purchase it in a heartbeat. Would it support multiple word tags?

This is probably not the right app but I’d love a view that would show page previews where an actual web link along the lines of Craft, Notion, Discord, etc.

I find Hook useful for a couple of tasks. They’re niche, but I use it daily. Looking forward to Hook 3.0.

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That’s not Adobe asking for a free consultancy, that’s a nice indie dev asking for opinions in a friendly manner. Aren’t we happy to help, especially for an app geared towards our audience?

And as for it being a business, that’s only one thread with a nice person having a clear vision of his app, and nobody is forced to participate.


You’re right, of course. I’ll avert my gaze.


Ditto, this looks great. I really want Hook to add a stronger browse capability, I think that’s the main thing really holding it back for me. (@LucCogZest we’ve discussed this, but happy to pick it up again!)

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Thanks everyone. I have a few more things to sort out with Moose before it’s ready for a private beta. When it is I’ll post here.

To be clear, I don’t mean at all to make anyone uncomfortable. It’s just that one day I was sitting there looking at Xcode and I thought, “I wonder what the folks in the MPU forum would have to say about this.” And here we are.


@ibuys – I was not made a bit uncomfortable. You’re clearly coming here as part of the community, for discussion, not as a spammer.

If I understand Moose correctly, it potentially could address reasons why I haven’t stuck with Hook beyond a couple of limited uses (which are nonetheless useful to me).

I tend to think in terms of organizing documents into folders. The Finder would be fine for that – but some of the documents needed for a project don’t fit in the Finder. I’m thinking mainly of Web pages and emails.

I thought Hook might be answer to that problem, but the idea of linking documents didn’t work for me. I don’t want to link documents. I want to open a folder and see all the documents (and emails and web pages and other resources) I need. I can do that with Finder and .hook files but that seems a little hacky.

And then there’s the other problem: How do I know that Hook, and the links I create with it, will be around and readable in 5+ years?

Moose might solve the former problem, but there’s still the question of longevity.

For now at least I’m using a hybrid system: DevonThink + Obsidian.


I was thinking about multi-document projects when I added tags, smart folders, and the ability to double-click a smart folder to launch all the bookmarks it contains.


Don’t be deterred. This is an excellent place for developers to participate. There is nothing inappropriate about that – in fact when developers participate it helps empower everyone.


That is addressed in Openness – Hook :wink: . I’m sure DEVONthink products will also be around for many years.


I for one think it is great you come here and ask. To be honest I would mind if Adobe did the same; a few questions about what you need and what you like, it is not like you are doing a full UX project here.

The app looks great.


What would you like from an app that could bookmark any URL?

Use Pinboard as the back-end, instead of a (local) proprietary format.

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This would be pretty awesome. Ok bird even has notes, which might be a way to bookmark non-web items. The API for notes isn’t as good as for bookmarks though.

I thought about that, but in the end I think a native Pinboard client would be a very different app. Also, the database format for Moose is Core Data, which is actually SQLite, you can extract all your data out of it with the sqlite3 command line tool if you really need to.

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I’m so ready to try this out…is it available yet?? :slight_smile:


I’m working on it! There’s still a few rough edges, and I need to start implementing sync.


If it’s Mac-only, sync is a bit more of a luxury than a necessity (IMO). But maybe the number of power users with multiple Macs is very high??

To me it would clearly be a necessity. I’m not using Service Station because it lack reliable sync. Generally speaking, I think it’s a base expectation in this day and age. :slightly_smiling_face:

It’s Mac-only for now.

I use two Macs (personal and work), so would need some kind of sync.

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