PowerShell Core on macOS - Stories?

For a living, I develop and deliver training courses for IT Professionals. My latest course is entitled PowerShell Core for Linux and macOS. This course will be recorded and delivered via Pluralsight, in addition, I will be teaching it live, at events such as SQL Saturdays and Code Camps (usually for free).

I was wondering if anyone was using PowerShell Core, and if so had any success stories they were willing to share, or allow me to share. These likely wouldn’t be part of the video, but rather part of my live presentations. I can give attribution or be anonymous, whichever you prefer.

If anyone is interested in taking the recorded course let me know. I’ll make an announcement when it goes live (targeting first of May) and I can give you a code you can go watch it with at no charge.


Robert / @ArcaneCode

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I use PowerShell Core for a couple of scripts Working with json. Just loading in a json file As a
Hashtable. Looks like json support got better in Core.

I have also done a poc on linux to learn how to setup PS Core and running on remote using ssh.

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I have pwsh installed but haven’t used it much. I need to reinstall Docker & get SQL Server running in it, at which point I’ll use it quite a bit more (for SQL Saturdays as well). Last time I had Docker installed, it made my MBP unstable so I’m a little nervous about going down that road again.

I’ve been running neuroscience-related Dockers on my iMac Pro without issues.

I’m sure it works fine for most people; I know several who’ve had no issues. It’s probably something specific to my MBP, or maybe even a bug in Docker that’s since been fixed. I just haven’t tried recently.

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I’d be really interested to hear more (any?) macOS PowerShell use cases. With automation technologies increasingly blocked on macOS, maybe Powershell will be able to circumvent these new security measures. As far as Docker goes, I’ve had good luck on my iMac Pro. I’m currently running a Docker-mounted pi-hole container as one of my ad block technologies.

I sometimes use PowerShell to rename groups of files on a Windows box. Its syntax is arcane and excruciating, and something I can do with just a right-click on macOS.

Great to see this topic pop up!

I have done a lot of PowerShell (Ps) scripting on Windows but only experimented with it a handful of times on macOS. I plan to investigate much more because it is one of my favorite scripting languages! It follows the “just works” philosophy. Appreciate your work in getting a course online for Core @ArcaneCode! Will definitely have to check it out.

For those looking to quickly get started and play around with Ps, I’d mention the Powershell language support plugin for VS Code.

Code is an amazing, free text editor/IDE for macOS and pretty much every other OS. Code is my daily-driver now after years with Sublime Text and a brief stint with Atom.

The Powershell language support plugin offers syntax highlighting as you’d expect, but also a great command explorer and the ability to run scripts right from within Code.

I’m sure these two are mentioned in your new course, but I bring it up in case anyone wants to dig right in today.

I run a O365 tenant for my swimming club and apart from setting up mailboxes and working with SharePoint I also create a lot of CONTACTS for distribution groups (for parents or members with no licenses).

I run PWSH for MacOS, I start up Terminal, login to O365 (using Keyboard Maestro), and use TextExpander all the time administrating CONTACTS (starters, movers, leavers). Since I’m using Dynamic Distribution Groups I’m not able to use a graphical interface and instead I use powershell.

It’s a great experience but apart from the fact that powershell for MacOS does not have all the powershell modules, I do experience other limitations, e.g. if I want to use a set-command on multiple users. Powershell will vomit an error message, and on these occasions I have use my windows laptop.

The collaboration between TextExpander’s powershell snippets and Terminal is a beautiful experience and saves me a lot of time, when I execute multiple commands in one snippet.

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PowerShell 7 is supposed to support a lot more of the Windows-only modules. It’s getting close to release but I haven’t played with it yet.

dbatools is about 75% compatible with pwsh on non-Windows systems and I think that’s being held back by what Microsoft supports right now. It’ll be interesting to see what PowerShell 7 opens up for that module.

Also look at importexcel written by Dough Finke. It lets you work with cvs/excel files including creating pivot tables on Mac,Linux without having Excel installeret.

Best PowerShell module ever written!

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