Print email to PDF on iPad Pro

The trick to print an email to pdf works well on the iPhone 7 qith 3D Touch, but I can’t do it on the iPad Pro.

How does one make a pdf out of an email on the iPad Pro?

Hit the “Reply” arrow for the email and choose Print. The print dialog will show a preview of your email. Pinch to zoom in on the preview until it fills the screen. You should have a “Share” button in the upper right. Share to Dropbox, Files, or a PDF app to get a PDF of the email.


The Spark email client has a “Save as PDF” option built-in.

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Share -> print -> pinch out -> save as pdf

On ipad

Reply -> print -> pinch out -> save as pdf


OK. Bump.

It seems that I am missing something here. I have an email on my iPad that I wish to save as PDF. Is this not possible without going through the Reply process? Doing so quotes the email and adds a header where I should add reply text. I do not want this. I simply want to generate a PDF of the email.

Essentially, I see no Share icon that will allow me to open the email anywhere else.


So does Airmail… the fact that years later Apple Mail does not have an email share sheet is embarrassing.

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@JKoopmans had your solution. On ipad:

Reply → print → pinch out → save as pdf

It took me a while to figure it out the first time.

I ended up printing the email from macOS. I do not want the addition of the REPLY TO content.

Yes. Exactly so.


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I don’t know why Apple used the Reply To symbol to launch an options menu but . .

The “Reply To” button at the bottom of an email in the iOS Mail app does not modify the received email unless you select the "Reply To"on the next menu .

The Print button on this Menu actually “prints” the email exactly as received.


Every time I hit my share button in Airmail, I laugh at Apple Mail…

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Meanwhile, I’m so glad that my Apple Mail + Things set up means I can follow a link on my iPad no matter which device it was created on and it still opens the same mail message.

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Yeah, Airmail has been doing that for 5 years… I don’t use Things so I cannot compare them.