I work as a programmer and data scientist, and I recently became visually impaired. I’m learning how to use VoiceOver, but I’m wondering if anyone else in this community is in a similar situation and might share some of their experience.
Hi! I’m a blind user and use VoiceOver myself. I’m not a programmer, but learning to program at the moment.
Tools I use: TextMate, Terminal, BBEdit recently (became accessible with VO in January this year).
In terms of community, I will recommend to check out applevis.com. There you will find all sorts of question related to VoiceOver. If you have any questions, feel free to ask the community.
Anything I would like to share. As I mentioned above, I’m VoiceOver user myself. I have a blog where I’m write from a perspective of a blind guy. Just Text.
If you have concrete questions, I will try my best to answer.