Storing due dates and having an easy way to be notified when expired.
Corresponding is via regular email.
I have used and am at beginner’s level familiar with OmniFocus, Trello and Notes (Apple). I am open to alternatives. For those of you who have similar needs and requirements - what is your set up and workflow?
Basecamp is also a possibility as it does all of those things you require. It is $800 a year, but you can have pretty much unlimited users. How many people will collaborate on the project?
Is there a reason to do all of that in a single app?
Do you need integration with Mail and calendaring?
Do others need to collaborate in your system?
Starting a new job or major assignment at the same time as learning to be adept at new or unfamiliar software is a stress to avoid if possible. Can you get started on your assignment with what you already have, and then based on the lived experience of doing that job reconsider if you need a different toolbox. You might find you don’t need to change your work habits.
I appreciate quorm’s take on taking a deep breath and testing things out as you encounter pain points.
It sounds to me and please correct me if wrong, is that you’re looking for a project/task management and a knowledge base. I personally keep them separate because once the task is done, then I won’t really need that info. Of course, you could use any of those that you mentioned and I’ll add maybe Notion as well.
That sounds a bit like what I do. Agree with the others that you won’t know the constraints until you’ve experienced them and may want to let them guide you. That said:
If you need to sort of manage visually-oriented ideas and tasks at the same time, and look at one project at at time, I think you’d do well with OneNote or Dropbox Paper.
If you need to view and act on all your projects’ tasks together then you will want more robust task management.
If you need these images and archives for production, you’ll want to keep that separate in some kind of digital asset manager, or at minimum, maintain folders of assets separate from your project management.