Interesting. Problem is I couldn’t care any less about the AI side of this, and for the formatting and markdown --both of which I really like–, $20 feels a bit steep. I’d pay $10 for that, if it included use on multiple computers.
Any website or service that promises me something “for ever” or “lifetime “ should be treated with extreme caution.
First off is that my lifetime, the companies or the developers?
As for the “for ever” motif that would be enough to have me running for the hills, not potentially using or relying on a third party add on. Large companies have a history of screwing over small ones when they feel like it, Apple are not immune from this, previously messing with Apple Mail so third parties plugins and searches stopped working.
My guess is they will do the same here which will kill this stone dead
not sure you need to do that for a $20 license for this app. This is not too different from many other app such as Curio. You can keep using it even if you decide not to pay for new upgrades.
One can decides whether $20 (per machine) is worthwhile to invest but personally I do not find this licensing condition particularly worse than others.
License fee is OK my issue is that they are making a promise of for ever when they are riding off the back of an API which could be shut down at any time and one they have no control over. That’s bad marketing if you are interested in a long term client relationship.
This is the only AN add on I’ve seen so I’m not sure. I didn’t even know these extensions were possible.
It’s worth noting that the developer will be adding new features. I saw on Twitter that they were implementing note linking until that was sherlocked at WWDC with macOS Sonoma.
Does anyone know more about this API and what features are possible?
I don’t believe he’s using any Notes Extension APIs, the application is basically interacting with Notes editing buffer via keyboard input and displaying convenient popups --of course this is a simplification–. Just like KM or BTT can target any app, ProNotes is only active when Notes is running. It is a cool trick!
How have people using ProNotes found it? I’ve just installed and really like what it can do. My only question is about needed Full Disk Access to do some of the features. Has anyone had any issues with this or is it ok to grant?