Proper iPhone charging habit?

I hope you have hypertension under control.

I lost 100 pounds and have kept it off for 12 years with the help of my iPhone and the LoseIt app. I weigh myself every Monday morning, and that’s it. Many people wear themselves daily, and I think that’s a bad idea.

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I’m going to preface this by saying I am at my desk a lot and very rarely far away from a charging point, and my main devices are actually my Mac and iPad. Last week my iPhone averaged 32 mins screen time a day. So, my situation may not be replicable for most people.

For a few years now, I’ve stopped having a charging routine. I just charge it when it hits 20%. I’m on a new (few months) iPhone 14 Plus and the battery lasts a couple of days between charge. Mostly I end up charging it in the evening with an extra long cable I’ve run behind a sofa so I can still move around with it if I want to. I don’t use wireless charging. The environmental implications of wireless charging at this time are significant, to the point where I don’t know why more thoughtful countries haven’t moved to regulate it until efficiencies are improved.

Since it’s probably more useful to tell you how I charge my iPad, I have a cable at my desk and charge it in the morning while I’m on my Mac. I have to do that daily, and sometimes it gets an extra charge in late afternoon, also at my desk. This is also a longer cable so I can move the device around and use it while it’s charging if needed. I don’t know why anyone uses the standard short cable - long ones are life-changing!

I wear my watch (Series 5) at night, so that gets charged for maybe 30-40mins while I’m reading in bed at night, and then it gets another 15 mins or so each morning. I’ve found that’s usually enough. I start my day with about 80% charge most the time.

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What’s the status of your battery and for how long have you had it?

And War is Peace :wink: ….

Thanks for all the feedback. I can definitely tell from these, obviously anecdotal references, as some of you report 90% after two years on a 13 Mini while I’ve had mine for about 1,5 years and it’s 86%. I think as I mentioned before, I have some background processes sucking battery like 1Blocker. But I also experience that the phone just becomes pretty warm after extended use and the battery really goes low at the same time. Maybe I should cut down on the wireless MagSafe overnight charging

It is, more or less. I have 6 month checkups and keep my weight about 5 lbs either side of the number that seems to please my doctor. Congratulations on getting in, and staying in shape. That gets more difficult as we age and accumulate “wisdom” :grinning:.

I’m now around 35 years older and 30 pounds heavier from the one time I (barely) completed a full marathon. 10Ks were my preferred distance. But I’ve been managing a 4 or 5 mile walk a few times a week (weather permitting) since I hung up my running shoes.

I only weigh when my favorite belt starts to shrink.


As always, usage makes a big difference. If you have to charge twice a day (like my daughters) then your battery will degrade far quicker than someone who charges less than 50% every day (like me)

My iPhone 14 Pro Max battery is sitting at 97% after 1 year,


It is at 94% and i have had the phone nearly two years.


It’s not easy to gather any useful evidence for any charging strategy with these highly anecdotal references. But it’s certainly been a help. Thanks all

Some relevant crossposting here: Recs for portable MagSafe chargers? - #7 by geoffaire