I recently have a use case for Curio and want to learn how to use that effectively to maximize its benefits.
However, I found that the documentation is only a reference document (no surprise on this) and there is very little learning guide or field guide to help me to dive in . I can also count the number of YouTube videos with my 2 hands
I cannot even find (I am sure it is there some where in the documentation) easy way to create user style, default font size , etc. May have to do it the hard way.
May be I am thicker than most people , Just reaching out to see how people started to use it.
agreed, that is probably the best resources I know for now
I want to start reading / learning the bible in a methodical way. I am considering two different tools to help me on this.
Obsidian for the powerful cross reference functions via backlinks
Curio for its versatile, free form but may be may be steep learning curve for me
My preliminary thoughts on what I like to achieve with either tools are
use either app as the portal to everything related to the bible and related materials
create table of contents to different books in the database/project
link to online bible verses (both can do that)
link to pdf files, YouTube videos and other media format (both can do that to different degree)
able to enter notes, questions and comments easily (Obsidian seems to be easier in this regards as it has mobile app and is compatible with Draft Notes , not sure Curio can get action from Draft)
able to have cross references (Obsidian obvioiusly excels on this, not sure how I do this on Curio, may be by inserting viariables?)
able to collabate / summarise all my questions / comments on to a huge summary page or by old/new testatment, or by different books in the bible (I need to figure out how to do this by either app)
generate mind map on my thoughts and people relationship in the bible ( I guess both can do that to different degree)
My questions on Curio are
what is the fastest way to get up to speed on Curio
what is the practical size of a project in Curio, including all the attachments such as pdf files, videos, podcast.
would a lot of multimedia content slows down the search or accessing different idea spaces
Should I different that into two or multiple projects such as old / new testament to make it more manageable
Shouid I use Curio to link to Obsidian (may be using HookMarks) to get the best of both worlds
I am aware of various posts on this forum such as this one. Hence I am also tagging people like @JohnAtl , @beck , @Rob_Polding , etc in case they have some suggestions for me. this thread contains so much good information that I am trying to re-read every post
Have you seen this Curio User Documentation (342 pages), version 25 from 2023?
This is how Zengobi describes “The Curio Workflow”
• In Curio, create a project to represent a real-world project that you’re working on. Next fill it with everything related to that project including notes, images, PDF’s, documents, web links, multimedia, and much, much more.
• You can place this information anywhere on Curio’s freeform idea spaces. Or use Curio’s integrated mind maps, lists, tables, index cards, albums, pinboards, and stacks to organize your data into powerful collections.
• Anything placed into Curio can be associated with meta data such as tags, flags, checkboxes, priorities, ratings, resources, and start/due dates and durations for easy searching and task management.
• The key point is that everything related to your project is stored, managed, and tracked within a single project file using a single, well-integrated application. You’re not juggling a mess of files scattered about your hard disk with a disparate suite of apps.
Is there anything in your goals than would benefit form a graphical presentation?
Obsidian has some comprehensive tools to slice, dice and collate notes; especially with metadata and data view(query metadata). Curio canvas offers corkboard exploration of notes with links. I think most of what you want could be accomplished with Obsidian.
Note that Curio can share a text note in multiple places, so you could use Curio AND Obsidian.
I remember I started with the getting started project that opens the first time you open curio. It does a good basic job explaining how to use the app. After that I sometimes searched in their forums or here for use cases, and when I found something interesting and didn’t know how to do it I searched in the documentation.
Use the Welcome to Curio project to get familiar with the terminology and the features. Use the Zengobi forums for answers to specific questions. The developer responds very quickly and the users are a good bunch
Your system capacity os more of a limiting factor than Curio itself - how much memory, speed of disk etc. You can make a project as large as you like.
Yes, in that it takes time to load or reload the content from disk. There’s nothing in Curio that makes that process significantly slower than other apps. You can store media files as links rather than embedded if you decide to keep the size of the Curio project file down.
I think you’ll end up doing that - given what you want to do, a single project could well become unwieldy . That said, if you want to reference/link between old and new you could start with a single project
You can, but you need to think about how you want to work. Curio excels at the visual representation of content and links: if you don’t need or want that in some areas, you can use Obsidian (or anything else) to collect and organise text. Given that Obsidian keeps its content in individual files, you can link to any text file from Curio if you need to. Personally, I wouldn’t mix the two, because the workflows are so different, but that’s a personal choice