agreed, that is probably the best resources I know for now
I want to start reading / learning the bible in a methodical way. I am considering two different tools to help me on this.
- Obsidian for the powerful cross reference functions via backlinks
- Curio for its versatile, free form but may be may be steep learning curve for me
My preliminary thoughts on what I like to achieve with either tools are
- use either app as the portal to everything related to the bible and related materials
- create table of contents to different books in the database/project
- link to online bible verses (both can do that)
- link to pdf files, YouTube videos and other media format (both can do that to different degree)
- able to enter notes, questions and comments easily (Obsidian seems to be easier in this regards as it has mobile app and is compatible with Draft Notes , not sure Curio can get action from Draft)
- able to have cross references (Obsidian obvioiusly excels on this, not sure how I do this on Curio, may be by inserting viariables?)
- able to collabate / summarise all my questions / comments on to a huge summary page or by old/new testatment, or by different books in the bible (I need to figure out how to do this by either app)
- generate mind map on my thoughts and people relationship in the bible ( I guess both can do that to different degree)
My questions on Curio are
- what is the fastest way to get up to speed on Curio
- what is the practical size of a project in Curio, including all the attachments such as pdf files, videos, podcast.
- would a lot of multimedia content slows down the search or accessing different idea spaces
- Should I different that into two or multiple projects such as old / new testament to make it more manageable
- Shouid I use Curio to link to Obsidian (may be using HookMarks) to get the best of both worlds
I am aware of various posts on this forum such as this one. Hence I am also tagging people like @JohnAtl , @beck , @Rob_Polding , etc in case they have some suggestions for me. this thread contains so much good information that I am trying to re-read every post
thanks everyone in advance