Readwise is building its own reading app

Has someone a real information, who sits behind the curtain that is placed over Readwise?

I received access to Reader this past week, and I immediately dropped Matter and deleted the Matter account. (Not that Matter was all that good.)

Reader is a bit rough around the edges, but the private (for now) Discord channel for Reader is very helpful, and ā€œDanā€ and ā€œErinā€ are right there answering questions and giving advice on best practices for Reader. I set up all my newsletters on Reader quickly.

The Safari extension has problems with some web sites and not all articles are copied into Reader. Thereā€™s no obvious reason for the failures, but Iā€™m hopeful that glitch will be fixed.

Highlights and notes go directly into Readwise, and are synced down to Obsidian with the Readwise Obsidian plugin. Nice loop.

On the other hand, I still prefer for highlights and annotations that I want to make for articles that I do not place into Reader ā€“ cases where I just want a quick note about an article but do not want to keep the article.

Reader is still a work in progress. Good, and may be great eventually.



@KVZ, itā€™s great to hear your and other peopleā€™s positive reactions about this new app. Iā€™m all in on Readwise and have written about how I use it.

Iā€™m excited to try Reader, hopefully soon!

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Thanks. Is it actually The address bounces.

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You all just cost me $143AUD! Cough up! :wink:

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yes sorry you are correct.


Thanks for that recommendation. :blush: :+1:t2:

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Great news, just received email from Dan that current beta users can ā€˜refer friend to readerā€™ .

Those who are interested can let me and other beta users know so that we can add your email to the list.

However, I am not sure I can do it for one or many, will try and find out, I guess

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I followed @Kim_Trinhā€™s suggestion and emailed Dan, so I got into the beta last week.

Like @fuzzygel, Iā€™m happy to set people up with invites.

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Thatā€™s great! I followed similar advice as @acavender did, and also had a tip in my DMā€™s to email and express my interest. I reached out to Erin and she was lovely and got me set up!

It was my first experience with Loom, which seems helpful for all sorts of uses.

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