Recommendation for Local Cloud Drive Manager?

I googled the app comparison and came to this discussion. I don’t know anyone can add some more information regarding memory useable comparison on M1 Mac. As I have a M1 MacBook Pro with only 8Gb of RAM , I am very cautious of using memory hungry app especially if they run in the background all the time. I used Insync and it seems to take up a low of memory usage

I would start with Transmit.

It’s native on the M1 (which many others are not, even the Dropbox app) and will connect with just about any cloud service you are likely to use.

There is a free 7-day trial available on

And Panic has just generally made great software for a long time :slight_smile:

Oh, yes…That too… 100%.

I assumed (but it’s best not to assume) that anyone on the MPU forums would know Panic as long-term (long-long-long-term!!) Mac developers who are held in highest regard by most long-term Mac users.

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