Reeder 6 is in the making gang!

source: Silvio Rizzi: "I guess it's time for an update on what I've been…" - Gloria


How is is it better than the free Netnewswire? (Coming from an old Reeder user.)


I managed to get one of the 500 TestFlight invites for Reeder 6 (which were gone within 1 hour).

Reeder 6 is still at a very early stage (I hope), as it is missing many essential features from Reeder 5 (like support for sync services, such as Feedly, and read later services, such as Instapaper).

I don’t think you can listen to podcasts in netnewswire. See the image.

netnewswire = Reeder 5
Reeder 6 = Reeder 5 + podcast player + potentially a video player (for YouTube feeds I guess)

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Damn, you got my hopes up.

Folks, this is not Reeder 6. This is a brand new product that does not replace Reeder.

The dev even claims as such:

A new app, completely rebuilt and rethought from the ground up. This probably won’t replace the current Reeder (not going away) for a lot of users.


Oooh, this is exciting. I love Reeder and have used it for years now, I’m curious as to how the implementation of reading subreddits will look like.

I will be very surprised if this is not a subscription app.


I would be really happy if it’s a one-time payment!


I believe he commented to someone’s question about this and that it will be iCloud only, no support of Feedly or other services.

And, as others here have pointed out, he seem to be saying that it is a completely new app. RSS, yes, but a focus on social networks too. Looks really interesting but it seems to be an early, early alpha.

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Yes, this is what Silvio wrote about it in the TestFlight notes:

This is an early preview of the new Reeder. It probably won’t replace the current version of Reeder for some users, it’s completely rethought and quite different:

  • It does not support third-party RSS services, like for example Feedbin.
  • It comes with much improved support for videos and podcasts.
  • There are no unread counts, it remembers the scroll position instead.
  • Incoming items are fetched directly from the source (RSS, Mastodon) on each device.
  • Syncs with iCloud, but it won’t sync everything, just your saved items, feed list, scroll positions and podcast play positions.

So it’s more a “light version” of Project Tapestry, rather than a regular RSS reader.


Still loving FieryFeeds.

  • the choice of the RSS power user that does stuff with those feeds.


The TestFlight just updated and shows a Reeder Plus subscription for $1 per month or $10 per year.

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In the field of RSS Readers, my trusty News Explorer has been replaced by Unread, which looks very good and includes its own blazing fast syncing service in the free tier (!!)


Is there an RSS reader that mixes RSS feeds and a read it later list in the same view - without having to go into a menu to flip between the two?

I use Reeder now and to get to my Pocket or iCloud Read it later queue I have to go to the menu to change the view. It’s silly but this is too much friction for me, I want to see my combined reading queue in one window.

Does an app like this exist?

I have been a Testflight user of Reeder 6 and it for sure is a different app. I totally get what Silvio Rizzi is going for (sort of an universal hub for all (not only social) media consumption), but that is not my cup of tea. Reeder 6 is looking good though - Silvio Rizzi has shown over all the years how to design a beautiful app. Unfortunately, RSS has become a niche thing for those who know what RSS actually is. It does make sense trying to make an app that also is able to gather content that is not available in RSS feeds.

Three things that will mean that I might move on:

  1. To me, it is a feature to have YouTube, Mastodon, RSS and what not in different apps. I do not want them to be in one central place.
  2. Swiping up (or down) was the way to switch between entries. No more in Reeder 6 (am I missing something)?
  3. My RSS feeds are sitting in a FreshRSS instance. Reeder 6 will not be able to connect to external services. All feeds live in Reeder 6 and are synced via iCloud. It is not possible to organize Feeds in folders. I am using folders to sometime read just the feeds of one topic (= folder).

I will keep using Reeder classic (Reeder 5), but a switch to something else may be necessary in the foreseeable future.

In my opinion, Reeder has always been “pretty” but the dev has never answered one bug report, suggestion, or question. Updates are slow coming (app[dot]net (somebody else has the name now), was still in the hardcoded share menu years after shutting down) and its inability to share articles through other apps’ url schemes has crippled it over the years. If you just want to read, its a decent app. If you wan’t to process the articles, not so good and not worth a sub.

It depends on your use case. I use Reeder to triage my articles and send them to a read-it-later service. When I used Instapaper as my read-it-later service, it was incredibly fast and simple to send articles from Reeder, as I could swipe the article headline in one direction to send it. Now that I use Readwise Reader, it is a little less convenient, as I have to use the share sheet to send it.

  • This is regarding Reeder Classic, not the upcoming version.

Have you tried FieryFeeds? I use Goodlinks for read it later with this url scheme:


FieryFeeds lets you set the preferred share so one swipe (iOS) or one click (macOS) and it’s so fast I barely notice it.

It just has been released:

Is the old version of Reeder being discontinued?

No, the old version of Reeder is not being discontinued. It will remain available as Reeder Classic for users who prefer a more traditional RSS reader experience and it will, of course, continue to receive updates. Reeder Classic will also remain a one-time purchase with no subscription required. Changing the business model for this existing app wouldn’t feel right and I have no plans to do so.


It’s subscription :slightly_frowning_face: …no thank you Reeder dev. I’ll use Reeder 5 until it breaks, then move to NetNewsWire. I will keep using PocketCasts for podcasts.