Release date for Obsidian Mobile?

No, you can move them on desktop and they should paper in the mobile app. I had to play around to get it to sync first time.

In the end, I decided to go with the sync service and that has worked flawlessly.

Do they have to be on the desktop? I’d prefer to have folders in iCloud and not pay a subscription to sync my text files. :slight_smile:

Sorry, I meant on your desktop machine!

:slight_smile: I feel like an idiot! :frowning: Move them where? They are already in iCloud and I’m not seeing any Obsidian folder except the ones I created.

You need to create an Obsidian folder.

A new one, just named Obsidian in iCloud and then move my other folder there, correct? In short, Obsidian needs to see an “Obsidian” folder named just that. Correct?

Yes, that’s what I mean.

I followed a guide when I did it at this link…

Thanks again, “Goober” will try again! :slight_smile: I just thought I could point Obsidian to any folder with text files like I can with iAWriter. Thanks again!

@Rob_Polding Got it!! Thanks again!


Thanks everyone for your help! I have everything working and syncing between the desktop and mobile apps.

I have one more question if you will indulge me. In Craft, I can select a list of to-dos and share with OF and each todo shows up as a discrete task in OF. Is there a way to do this in Obsidian without copying/pasting each task separately to OF?


You’re really going to get the best results asking your questions on the Obsidian forum – it is highly populated with very active users and moderators, as well as the developers.

For ToDos – there are a number of community plug-ins, all of which are described by their creators in Settings > Community Plugins > Browse. Obsidian by itself does NOT support macOS extensions. You will not find the same integration in Obsidian with OmniFocus as you find in Craft because there is no support for extensions. That’s not bad; it is what it is.

More dialog on Obsidian and OmniFocus here

@anon41602260 thanks, you are always helpful. I have started to post in Discord. I can’t say I like the GUI but I’ll figure it out. It is “busy” :slight_smile: I have checked the plugins and I will again.

I’ve been experimenting with Obsidian and just using iA Writer on mobile since they’re just Markdown files. Not sure the full desktop app is really necessary on the go.

I have been using iAWriter and it works fine unless you want to create backlinks, which it cannot do for Obsidian. 1Writer can but I don’t like the app. A mobile Obsidian app is ideal but at least for me, it was not intuitive to find, download, and start using it given that I had created “specialized” folders that Obsidian did not recognize. :slight_smile: But, everything seems to be working well.

A bit of advice, YMMV. The Obsidian mobile app is BETA. Let me repeat that for emphasis……BETA. If, when, you start to check out the mobile section of their Forum you will quickly notice that almost EVERY response from a Forum moderator to a bug report will ‘warn’ you to provide info WITHOUT using a Community Theme OR Plugin. The app is buggy enough on iOS and iPadOS without trying to use 3rd party additions to a (wait for it) ……BETA. Good luck!

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Thanks @Daveb08. Yes, I’m aware it is a Beta, in fact, this is the first Beta I’ve ever used. :crossed_fingers: But, I’m not overly concerned, though perhaps I should be? Because everything is markdown and I can work with the file in a lot of apps., I don’t believe I’m taking much of a risk. I guess I’ll find out! :laughing:

I should add that I only have one community plug-in, the Advanced Tables plug-in. I don’t depend on them for much. Most of my work is basic markdown.

Make sure you have backup(s) of folder/files. Discord and their forums have threads of files ‘disappearing’. It doesn’t seem anything near critical, unless the file your looking for is the one you need.

Don’t get me wrong. I’m NOT negative on either the Mac (Electron) app or the iOS Beta. Just potentially up your frustration bar. You may need it.

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Oh…and one last thing (:wink:), if you want to get into this thing ‘eyes wide open’, do yourself a favor and search for “security” in their Forum. Or maybe not!

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I will. It sounds like I may have more to be concerned with than I thought. Thanks for the advice. :+1:

Aside from Obsidian’s mobile app, are there are great looking and free app to read Markdown files? I store all my Obsidian files in iCloud\Document\Obsidian. I would love to have a free and beautiful reader. Does iA Writer, Ulysses or Bear let’s you point to a iCoud folder to read them?

(I don’t need to write on them as I’m using Drafts to write)