Remembering what I've delegated to others

Do you ever send something to someone else to action and want to tick it off your list but not forget that you need a response?

I use Obsidian for task management and I’ve started using a simple workflow to help with this. I make a note of what I did, followed by the hashtag ‘#waiting’.

  • Sent updated tax information to accountant #waiting
  • Sent proposed new date to photographer #waiting
  • Emailed Canva re: issue downloading files #waiting

I then once a week review all tasks with the #waiting tag and follow up where necessary.


Although I don’t track tasks in Obsidian, I use that general approach all the time! :slightly_smiling_face: I use Reminders for this. I either send the related email to Reminders or create a task if an email is not involved and then add the #Waiting tag to the tasks. Works great and I can set an alert to pop up when it is due from the person to whom I’ve delegated the task.


In GTD parlance it is known as a “Waiting For” list. Sounds like that’s a great workflow for you.

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Yes, I did something similar with Omnifocus.

When OmniFocus had contexts (v2) I started using @name to indicate the person or persons (multiple contexts) related to the task. I’ve continued this in v3 where tags replaced contexts, and continue using @name in tags. These person-tags lend themselves to useful OF perspectives, reviews, etc.


I do something similar to quorm. I used to do child tags of Waiting (e.g. Waiting : Tom) but I wasn’t really seeing a benefit over just using @Tom for both waiting and non-waiting items. Maybe I just don’t know people that far behind on their work. :slight_smile:

Plus in OF 3 I can just add @waiting after @Tom to put it on hold.

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I have a list on my Trello board called “Frozen” that stores these tasks. Makes it easy to glance over and check what I’m waiting on, and even lower friction than tags.

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I have a “@ Waiting” Folder in OmniFocus where I keep all of these, so I can review all of the things that I’m waiting for in the same place.


OT, but while on the topic of special tags, I also use “%” in tags to indicate supersets of projects. For example %Phase III is not a project but indicates all the projects comprising Phase III of a deployment program. So, a task “Meet with PMO managers” could be tagged with @Johan @Sivi %Phase III

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tagging sounds more elegant than moving to a different day so I can remind whoever. .

oh it probably definitely is, I was just expressing how I do it.

Yours was better than mine too!