I have several external hard drives with different permissions on each of them. Some drives have me or system with read and write. Some drives have the group as staff or wheel as Read only or read and write. I’m not even sure what the right permissions for an external hard drive would be.
I already ran First Aid in Disk Utility and that didn’t reset the permissions.
You can easily change permissions per disk, and per user type within each disk, by choosing the drive, clicking Get Info, unlocking/authenticating then clicking settings to be changed.
I reformatted one partition and the default permissions had user=me and group=staff.
Time machine partitions permissions get changed to user=root and group=wheel
I have not tested yet if doing a bootable clone will change the permissions to (root, wheel) I’m guessing that it does change the permissions.
Next steps are to figure out how to reset the permissions back to (username, staff) on all the data partitions without reformatting. I’m not able to change them using “Get Info”
“Wheel” is a special type of Unix group and I don’t know what you’d therefore want to change or why, as long as your drives are working properly. I’d google for technical info on these permissions if you’re idly interested, otherwise you might read a quick backgrounder here from someone with a similar question.
So it should be ok to leave the group as wheel? I was able to change the owner to me for the external drive.
drwxrwxr-x 8 macuser staff 340B May 12 15:47 HDD01
drwxrwxr-x 14 root wheel 544B Dec 19 02:46 HDD02
drwxrwxr-x 14 macuser wheel 544B Dec 19 02:46 HDD03
HDD01 - Partition that I reformatted and looks ok
HDD02 - What I thought was weird
HDD03 - I was able to change the permission for the owner and I’ll leave as wheel for now.
I’m not sure why the owner and group got wonky.
For the pure data partitions, I wanted to rethink and consolidate data, so I repartitioned which fixed the permissions.
Thanks everybody.