Roam Research for thinking and knowledge management

It’s the equivalent for defining and calling a function.

Model-view-controller, right? Update the model and the views update themselves. Just like multiple people editing a google doc. If Cautious Camel makes a change, Amorous Aardvark and everyone else can see it.

Not if several views access the same model at the same time, no.

Note that I’m not saying this is an unsolved problem by any means: It’s just DIFFICULT and leads to edge cases and invalid states.

“Believer plan”. Man, I hate this cult mindset and that alone is enough to push me out.

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I don’t know how to evaluate “up to 3 … graphs”. What does that mean in practice for heavy users?

@Robertson.historian – can you comment? Is “3 … graphs” a good thing?

Lol! In the comment area some guys love the idea of “believer plan” while other think the price pushes them away from the cult

What does that mean in practice for heavy users?

It means

@anon41602260 seems reasonable to me. It just means databases. I have three myself. But honestly, the only reason I would need more than 1 is to have one for private and one for public use. In the future, once page permissions are perfected, then you don’t even need two for public/private. Other than this distinction, I don’t see a reason to have more then one private database (graph) - interested if there is disagreement here.

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I see a use case for separate databases. I’m a fiction writer and I have several DEVONthink databases for that reason: each story world (I write SF&F, but you can make the case for mainstream fiction) is fictional and therefore, you would not want to either mix them up together or mix them with a knowledge repository such as a Zettelkasten. For instance, I could have info about real world research on interstellar propulsion, and then two different fictional worlds where interstellar propulsion works differently from one another. Put them all together and you’re bound for trouble, I believe.

Good point. I didn’t think of areas where you definitely would NOT want intermixing of your ideas.

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It’s just a matter of selling all your possessions and disowning your family. Surely everyone can manage that.

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By the way, DEVONthink offers the best of both worlds on that front: automatic wiki linking inside a database, which can exist as a silo, but you can still link manually to any file inside the software outside of that database. (Don’t know if Roam allows for that)

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I think that’s what happened with the Challenger…
Edit: These prices are by no means excessive for a good tool, by the way. I just don’t know if it is the right tool, since I apparently have to pay to try it.

I hold all my files outside in DEVONthink and just use a markdown link to open the item-link when needed. The only reason I am using Roam instead of devonthink or Notion is block level/inline transclusion, page filters and queries. Though the sidebar is quite useful too.


Nope, you can start a free trial for 14 days.

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Show me where? I requested access, but nothing happened.

I think you have to wait until the pricing page is open. But as the picture he posted on Twitter shows, you can have a 14-day free trial.

Good. I’ll do that :slight_smile:

I completely understand that. It rubs me the wrong way too.

I do think it’s a pretty revolutionary tool though and am giving it a shot. Will be interesting to see how other note taking apps respond.