Seeking reassurance about Setapp and CleanMyMac

Yes, but, as explained above, the setting that results in the creepy message is not SetApp monitoring its own apps but monitoring apps that are not SetApp’s.


SetApp distributes fees among developers based on app usage, so they need to monitor it :slight_smile:

Yes - I missed that. Thanks for the correction

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thanks for these. I was also alarmed when I couple of days whenever I copy/paste anything that Setapp reminds me to use Paste. Then a screenshot with a screenshot app. I turned this setting off now as I didn’t want it.

I don’t have SetApp but I can’t imagine that anyone would want these popups - they seem very intrusive.

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Someone had a “clever” idea and apparently there were no sensible people in the room to push back against it.

To paraphrase Dr. Ian Malcolm: just because you can doesn’t mean you should.


It all seems a bit pointless, since the Setapp price is fixed regardless of how many apps you use.

Unless, of course, they’re thinking if introducing some kind of tiered pricing - x/mnth for up to y apps, for example.

Note - I have no information/have heard no rumours to that effect - just trying to find a rational explanation for why you’d annoy paying customers

probably gathering usage data from your users, which could be useful to you (owner of setapp whose name I can’t recall right now) and maybe something you can sell to the devs that are on setapp (your clients).

disclaimer: I have no information myself on the matter, just speculating. @tjluoma’s version may be more accurate

Churn rate is a common concern of subscription software/SaaS. SetApp has probably found that the number of apps someone uses is correlated with staying subscribed longer. They may have found some apps help retain subscriptions better than others. They know notifications are annoying, but it may be worth annoying some users if it gets enough users to install enough apps that they like, to where they SetApp more and keep using it longer.

Put another way, let’s say they know that users who don’t use Paste will cancel an average of two months from now. That’s $20 more revenue from that user. Users who do use Paste will cancel an average of eight months from now ($80 more.) So by suggesting a user install Paste; they’re risking annoying them and losing that $20, to try to get $80. Whether that’s a good bet to try for that depends on how annoying they are and how often they get a new Paste user from it. These numbers are made up and simplistic, of course.

Thank you for pointing out that new “feature”.

My discounted and prepaid Setapp subscription ends on May 19th.

I had been thinking about getting rid of Setapp. It turns out that I own most of the apps I really use within Setapp. I just bought the few apps I use and did not own and cancelled the subscription. 50 bucks well spent! :slight_smile:


It might also be a tool that Setapp can use to market its service to developers: “Don’t rely on word-of-mouth discovery out there in the wilds of the internet. We have a tool that will allow us to pitch your specific app to the subscribers who are likely to be interested in using it.”

I have no idea if this is the plan or if developers would even be interested in it, but it was the first thing that came to my mind when I started reading this thread.

PS: I meant this as an alternative to gathering user data and selling it to developers directly.

CleanMyMac being malware is like…spinach and it’s huge iron content. Repeated over and over, but just not true.

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Dear Setapp, your service is not free, I am paying for it. So, stop the “spam”. It’s annoying!

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I’ve been a dedicated CMM user for a few years and the only thing I’m missing is a crappy performance.

I think every SetApp user should be sending this to their customer service.

It’s very clearly a way to try and keep you as a customer. “Look at all you can do with the apps you have access to! Please don’t use any other alternative. And especially please don’t unsubscribe after we doubled the subscription price and made you pay for iOS seats.”


Not all SetApp customers have this feature. They did ask for comments from those who do but I’m not sure the users would see the notice unless they visit SetApp’s webpage.

The explanation on the website (Recommendations in Setapp: notifications with smart suggestions, "Tips for you," and others – Setapp Support) makes the recommendations sound a little less creepy. Standard boilerplate about no personal information collected, nothing leaving your Mac, etc.

I think they might have been better served making this an ‘opt in’ feature rather than just alarming folks when it suddenly starts popping up messages.

This wouldn’t have gotten past an iOS review for 14.5, woud it?

I did turn it off.

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I was interested in using ClearVPN (a Setapp program), but now I’ve been convinced otherwise!

Well in a world that works properly they should have asked for permission in advance to track user activity outside their app / bunch of apps.

To not track users is normal, not the other way around.