Send tab group to ... for eg ... OmniFocus

Hmmm… I like tab groups, honestly… tend to use them for the tons of transient research I do on particular topics/products. I don’t really like sending my research to devonthink unless it’s going to be of use in future, so ideally, I would create a tab group for the topic, do my research, and then decide when complete if I delete or copy the links and put them into a DT3 or Obsidian note for future ref.

But … it would be really nice if I could send my tab group to omnifocus as a link that sits in the action’s note section. Then I can manage my 100s of tab groups far more effectively. At the moment I can only send to messages as far as I can see…

I’ve tried pulling out the link created when you share a tab group with someone (or yourself) from messages - but for some reason the iCloud link won’t work from Omnifocus, even though it works from messages…

Any ideas gratefully received…

While I’m on the subject of tab groups, is there a global search function in safari that can search across all tab groups, bookmarks, reading list etc? Not that I can find - scrolling through 50 groups to find the one you thought you had is not great! Hopefully on the roadmap Apple…

Many thanks!

Wow! You might be the tab groups power user. I’ve never heard of anyone having that many. To answer your question, there used to be an AppleScript or something for sending all open tabs to OmniFocus, I don’t have it anymore, but I’m betting an quick Google search would probably turn it up.

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