Setting the Record Straight: No, I Have Not Changed Apps or Workflow

In a recent post, I shared an experiment I conducted with Evernote, OmniFocus (OF), and TaskClone, which can be found here. While I emphasized that this was solely an experiment and has not led to any changes in my app usage or workflows, I was worried some might assume I had altered either or both.

To reiterate, no changes have been made. The experiment was enjoyable and provided new insights—I ended up liking Evernote more than expected, and appreciated the seamless integration of to-dos between Evernote and OmniFocus. However, my apps and workflow remain unchanged. For one thing, EN is too expensive and I don’t want to get locked into a 3rd party app’s linking system. And, OF is just too fiddly.

Interestingly, during this experiment, I discovered several articles on The Sweet Setup, discussing the new capabilities and features of Apple’s default apps. I found these articles informative and thought others might find them interesting too:

Apple Notes and here.

Apple Reminders

Apple Mail

And, though not an Apple app., you may find this article on Ulysses by The Sweet Setup of interest, A Complete Ulysses Writing Workflow.

In short, the experiment was worthwhile but I’m sticking with the default apps. I just wanted to set the record straight. :blush:


Isn’t the customary explanation that “My account has been hacked”? :joy::joy::joy::joy::joy::joy:


I opened Evernote for the first time in a while after reading your post, but the cost is massive and the functionality for Backlinks I love in Obsidian is not there.

I’m hoping TaskClone pick up Obsidian as I already use OF. Automatic pickup of actions would be amazing for the minimal price.