I just discovered that there is an option to set a shortcut key to toggle stage manager off and on.
It’s in:
Mac settings,
keyboard section,
Keyboard Shortcuts
Mission Control
I set mine to F3 which - on my keyboard - is the same key you press to get mission control, but with the function key held down - (which makes it easier for me to remember).
Hope this helps - I was under the impression this wasn’t possible.
I’m keyboard shortcut dependent and I can’t figure out how Stage Manager is helpful to my workflow. I’ve watched Apple’s 2-minute video on Stage Manager and it seems like the feature is for people that rely more on pointing and clicking than it is for keyboard shortcut people. What am I missing?
Good question. I only started using it about 6 weeks ago when I read that someone - someone! - was using it on the Mac and finding it useful. I switched it on, and, then stuck with it.
Wrt keyboard use, I still mostly use cmd-tab (or keyboard shortcuts I’ve set up in ray cast) to switch between apps, and sometimes the mouse.
I have no idea how to describe why it is useful and preferable. But … it seems to have stuck.
I’m not using it to be ultra productive, but the decluttered view works. And it helps me get stuff done.
As fuzzy as that is, I hope it helps you give it a go.