Shortcuts help: toggle wifi/bluetooth

Right now I have two shortcuts, one to toggle wifi off and bluetooth on, and one to do the reverse. I would like to combine those into one shortcut using if statements, such that:

if wifi is on and bluetooth is off:
    then turn wifi off and bluetooth on
if wifi is off and bluetooth is on: 
   then turn wifi on and bluetooth off

In addition, to those moments when iOS update insists on turning bluetooth on, I’d like to add:

if wifi is on and bluetooth is on:
    then turn bluetooth off

What I am seeing in the Shortcuts app is that one can only “Set Bluetooth”. Is there a way around this, such that I can query the status of bluetooth and wifi and use that as a variable for if statements?

There is a third party app (Actions) that includes an action for Bluetooth status.

Here is a simple demonstration shortcut of how you can use it to solve your problem

I hope this helps