Shoutout to Mindnode

Thank you for your feedback on the node linking and sorry for the late reply.

Based on your use cases it sounds like you mostly want to link to specific nodes and not build a URL scheme using the text of a node. In this case we would need to expose a unique ID for a node. We discussed something like this in the past (per node sharing options), but this feature continues to get pushed back on roadmap as other things always have a higher priority. I can’t promise when - we are currently working on two major new features we really want to ship this year - but we will definitely try to add this when we next improve our URL schemes.


Mindnode needs to improve getting things done from the keyboard – I’m not saying make it solely keyboard centric, but the need to go back and forth to the mouse, and do a lot of stuff mainly with a mouse, is a drag on usability. Creating and applying tags requires multiple steps with the mouse. If, instead, Mindnode recognized tags in names or notes (eg, #tag) and auto-created tags, that would be a big improvement. Also, Mindnode forgets tags from one document to another – universal tag sets applicable to multiple document would be welcome.


Creating and applying tags requires multiple steps with the mouse. If, instead, Mindnode recognized tags in names or notes (eg, #tag ) and auto-created tags, that would be a big improvement.

You can create tags with the #tag shortcut. You need to ensure that it’s at the end of the text and the tag doesn’t contain a space. If this doesn’t work for you, ensure the “Smart Text Shortcuts” preference enabled.

What other tasks are you trying to do with keyboard only?