Sign in with passkey with mac fingerprint sensor?

For many services I can use my fingerprint sensor on my mac to sign in with a passkey instead of a password.

The strange thing is that when I sign in to a website using my apple account, Apple’s option for “Use passkey” seems to completely ignore the fact that I have a fingerprint sensor on this device (mac) that can be used as a passkey, and forces me to use an iOS device (iphone or ipad) to scan a QR code to use FaceID on that device.

The annoying part is that then I have to find my device if not next to me, open the camera, click on “sign in via passkey when it recognizes the QR code”, which is just a lot of extra steps. Yet, if I were to log in to the same website directly via my tablet or iphone, it recognizes that the device can be used as a passkey and the whole process is painless and I don’t need another device.

Is there some option that I am missing that will let me use the fingerprint sensor on Mac as a passkey when using Apple ID to log in to other websites? And if not, why is apple treating the mac as a second class citizen for passkeys?

PS: I know that I can choose login via password, and then use my fingerprint sensor to autofill my password. That solves the ease of use issue, but ignores the fact that passkeys are more secure than passwords

Oh, I just realized that this doesn’t happen if I use Safari, which I never do. In safari it immediately asks me to use TouchID to login. Is this not possible in other browsers (currently using Arc, before I used Chrome)?

No, it only does that with Safari.

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I believe some browsers support this but it looks like Arc is not one of them (yet?).

Checking System Settings → Privacy & Security → Passkeys Access for Web Browsers on my MBP shows I have the ability to enable this for Brave, Edge, and Firefox.

Arc is installed but does not show on the list.

I do not have Google Chrome installed but believe it supports the feature as well.

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Oh, this was very helpful even just to learn that there is such a setting that is visible. The only other browser I have installed is Chrome and it is in that list. And it works smoothly. Unfortunately with recent Arc announcements it seems like that browser is on life support and will not get any new features