I am struggling with a little Calender Event problem in the Siri Shortcuts app.
The goal is to create two Events in Calendar - One at the specific time of the actual Event (a freediving event) and one calendar event the day before av 18:00 (6pm).
OK here we go.
First I capture the date of the actual event with the Ask for Input command. And then I create an Event with the Add new Event command. No problems so far.
But next thing to do is to enter a Calender Event the day before the actual “Event”. This should always be at 6pm (18:00). I have tried the Adjust Date command > new date by subtracting 24hours - but I want 18:00 the day before…
Any suggestions on how to create an event on the day before a specific event but at 18:00. Maybe this is an easy thing once one gets the head around it - but right now I have got a brain-block…
You should be able to do this by chaining a several Adjust Date actions. First, use adjust date to subtract 1 day. Second, use another adjust date action to “Get Start of Day”. Finally, use a third adjust date action to add 18 hours to get 18:00.
Here’s an example from one of my shortcuts:
Note that I’m setting the date to 5pm today in this example so I don’t have a “subtract 1 day” action in there.
You are the best. I’ll try it as soon as possible. Just wanted to check in to see if there were any answers waiting for me. And yes - there were.
Hugs from a happy guy.