So why the color changes?

OK, So am I the only one who found the switch to yellow an orange in the MPU icons and the various color changes in the forum glaring and jarring? Red and orange are not colors I associate with anything good. I know it’s your choice, but can we at least have the option to keep it the same as it was?


The MPU forum icon is a battery icon?

I’ve been assuming it was a special thing for the day…though I don’t mind the new icon and colours if they stick around.

I love the colours and I hope they aren’t a temporary temporal blip.


Hmmmmm, @ismh had to choose a colour. I would have put money on Orange.

I found it discomforting, but change often is.

Yes, it looks strange after all of these years, but in a month it’ll seem normal. I find it such a small world problem as it doesn’t impact how I used the forum.

It’s not like Strava who went from a dark background app to a white background app just as everyone else went the other way, a change which was actually uncomfortable on the eyes when you run at nighttime. 4 or 5 years later I still hate it.

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Except that Strava’s primary color is orange?

I personally like the orange/white/grey theme as I first saw it in Overcast. In fact, I heavily tweaked Mona for Mastodon to have a similar color scheme.

In my timezone the changes were made before April Fool’s Day. My iPad was running in Dark Mode then, so I initially thought they slightly tweaked that theme, but I now see that green is replaced by orange in both themes.

I agree, it won’t matter in a month. And, we’ve heard ‘the guys’ refer to orange as a favorite color many times.



If it’s indeed just a joke, as some people suggest, I hope this new theme will remain available (as an option?) after today.

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I thought the same, and that something had gone awry. Not the color scheme I would have chosen.

Too each their own.

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It’s not an April Fools joke.


Please give an option to order the Original Logo too.

That’s too bad. I really prefer the calming nature of the old one.

Funny how colors affect people so differently.

I’m the exact opposite. I cannot read anything when it’s on a black or dark background. It’s physically painful and according to my ophthalmologist actually bad for the eyes compared to white or light background with black or dark text. I also don’t keep my screen brightness high and I manage the lighting in my office area as well.


Most likely a way to sell new/different merch.

We just like orange and thought it was time for a change. I honestly didn’t think about merch until waaaay late in the process.


You might want to update the battery icon on your avatar as well then?


(it’s still the old green battery)

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Not meant as criticism. It’s no secret that the podcasting world is way over saturated with tech podcasts where everyone is talking about the same stuff like AI and Vision Pros. Advertisers only have so much money to spend on advertising. You have to monetize to stay afloat.

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When I look at the battery that is green, I’m thinking charged or charging. The orange-colored battery looks to be in a discharged or discharging state.

Not going to lose any sleep over this, though. :grinning:

PS - I like the new intro/outro “music”.


The yellow/orange/res makes me anxious :sweat_smile:. It’s like low power mode or battery low​:low_battery:. After years on an iPhone 12 mini, I am marked for live.


I like the redesign. Though now that I’ve seen the orange and green versions of the logo, I kind of want 4-5 other color gradients. Mood battery!

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Add me to the like the new color/logo. A nice, fresh, change.

People thought this was for April Fools, a change from green to orange? If they would have switched it to Comic Sans, then I would have been thinking AF Day.

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