Sonoma 14 macOS automation for system settings via applescript and osascript

Hi folks
I am trying to run some automation to set certain settings in sonoma via osascript ( and applescript ) directly. Here are the things I am trying to do on Sonoma MacOs 14.1.1 and I cannot find the property or way to do this via tell “System Events” or another way- can someone provide an apple script with the correct settings to do this on Sonoma-and I dont want to use automator - only via the terminal and osascript to execute since this code needs to be executed on a bunch of hosts

  1. Change resolution to `1920 x 1080’

  2. Change default dynamic wallpaper and appearance :

  3. System SettingsWallpaperColorsBlack

  4. System SettingsAppearanceAppearanceLight

  5. Limit Terminal scrollback to set to a particular limit say 5000

  6. Change the Computer name and hostname:

  7. System SettingsGeneralAboutName : xxxxx

  8. System SettingsGeneralSharingLocal hostname → xxxxx

  9. Disable WiFi, Bluetooth and Thunderbolt

  10. System SettingsWi-Fi → click to disable

  11. System SettingsBluetooth → click to disable → Turn off

  12. System SettingsNetworkBluetooth PANMake Inactive

  13. System SettingsNetworkThunderbolt BridgeMake Inactive

  14. Enable Firewall System SettingsNetworkFirewallTurn On Firewall

  15. Change DNS to x.x.x.x, y.y.y.y. ( x and y are just values) - its the DNS applescript cmd

  16. setup automatic login to a particular user

  17. Disable screen saver
    System SettingsLock ScreenStart Screen Saver when inactiveNever.
    System SettingsLock ScreenTurn display off when inactiveNever.

thx much.

what I was able to figure out from the list was only the appearance light with this script but need assistance with the rest of it.
tell application “System Events”
tell appearance preferences
set dark mode to false
end tell
end tell