Sonoma wallpaper failing to be set in Multiple Monitors

Hello, I have a Mac Studio along with three monitors; two are 5K LG and the other a Studio Display.
Sadly it seems that the only wallpaper that works is the default not only for setting the same on the 3 monitors but even if you only want to use it only on one. So frustrating, those wallpapers are amazing!
Anyone can confirm this is happening? any fix?

I have two monitors with a MacStudio: Mac Studio and a 4K LG. I do not see how to make the Wallpaper different on the two monitors in Sonoma. On the other hand, I am using as my Wallpaper a “shuffling” every 12 hours of the 62 aerial Landscapes and so far (with 24 hours of experience :woozy_face: ) it seems to be working.

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