This might be a dumb question for a number of reasons, but how do I know why I’m getting my alert sound for a given thing?
I like to keep shortcuts consistent across apps for obvious reasons, and ⌃⌘↓ is my preferred shortcut for moving lines down in text editors/notes apps. In Obsidian, every time I do this, it plays the “alert sound” I have set in the Sound Effects system preference. It still moves the line down, but this is beginning to grate on me. No other app I use this shortcut in does this, and my move line up shortcut (⌃⌘↑) does not trigger the same sound effect in Obsidian.
I don’t even know what program is triggering the sound. I don’t know what other app could be bugged that keyboard shortcut is getting pressed, but when I look through Obsidian’s shortcuts, I don’t see any conflicts with that shortcut.
Soundsource shows it coming from Sound Effects, but that doesn’t tell me what’s triggering the sound effect.
I think the alert sound means the keyboard shortcut you are using is simply not defined in Obsidian. Obsidian is an app based on the non-native Electron framework so typical Mac behaviors often do not work.
Edit to add: Doesn’t Obsidian provide a method to let you assign your own keyboard commands?
Edit: It’s not assigned the way you would an unbound menu item in an AppKit app, instead it’s through a custom interface inside of Obsidian for “hotkeys.”
I’m afraid this is probably the solution. For other purposes on my Mac, I like my sound effects as-is (Sonumi!) so I guess it’s an Obsidian problem that I solve go over to their forums to bring up…