Spark and Devonthink to Go

Hello everyone,

I used to use Apple Mail and DTTG on my iPad. In Split View I could easily drag and drop mails from the Mail app to DTTG. Recently, I switched back to Spark and now I’m not longer able to use this workflow. Spark won’t let me drag & drop mails. Any ideas, solutions, workflows to export mails from Spark to DTTG on iOS/iPadOS? If there is no possibility I might use Mail again instead of Spark because it is important to me to archive my mails at any time.

Thank you! :pray:

Perhaps some variant of:

-> Open In
-> Clip to Devon Think

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‘Open In’ can clip it to DT but not as an archived mail, only as text, rtf or markdown. I’d like to preserve mails in its native format or at least in its original shape and form. Printing and exporting as pdf comes close but takes several steps and is quite cumbersome.

I really like the simplicity of drag and drop… maybe the Spark experiment is a short-lived one. :sweat_smile:

Understood, and I agree. I use Spark, but the ‘little frustrations’ can be big impediments.

I hope Readdle puts some more TLC into the workflow aspects of Spark.

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This is one of the main reasons I use Mail Archiving email by dragging to DT is one of my most used workflows.

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