Split Screen on macOS Catalina - troubleshooting help requested

I have a strange problem that I am troubleshooting. I cannot activate Split Screen on my Mac (Catalina) by either hovering or press-holding the green traffic light button. If I “command+click,” it will work, but it never used to be like that. All the other logins on my machine work the normal way. I cannot for the life of me find the setting that controls this. I can use the feature, so it’s not the end of the world. But if someone knows how to fix this, I’d be most appreciative.

Exactly my experience.

I found this (with no solution):

This has been an issue for me too since I uninstalled Moom; I can get the menu back by hovering over the green button and pressing Cmd, but I can’t find an option anywhere to restore the default hover behaviour. ref

Did you uninstall a window manager like Moom, Magnet, etc.?

I have Moom and use it. I have not uninstalled it and the two were working fine together up until recently. I am glad to have received this, because I was considering uninstalling and reinstalling it to see if that resolved the problem.

Could be they are doing something odd, like when I uninstalled iMazing, the backup button in iTunes was disabled. Called Apple support, and in the meantime found a way to undo their treachery.

mine is working fine (MB Air, Catalina 10.15.2) but thanks for the Cmd+click tip! Much faster!

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