Long time listener, first time forum poster!
I’m a parent of 2 busy girls who aren’t drivers yet. They have lots of activities that require drop off and pickup. Our family lives and dies by the calendar. If it’s not in the calendar, it doesn’t exist! My wife and I each have our own calendar that we share with each other, and each kid has a calendar that they share with us, plus a shared family calendar, and even one for just my wife and I for shared events that don’t involve the kids (or things that we want to keep a surprise).
For anything with a location, the location based reminders work great for letting me know when to leave to get them to various events on time. The problem is pickups. I’d love it if there were a way that you could specify a location based alert for the end of an event, just like the beginning.
My hacky solution for now is a separate calendar for me that I don’t share where I make a 5min event starting at the end time of the other event, with the same location. But if the main event changes, now things are out of sync.
Anyone else tackled this problem? Thanks for the tips!
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I do the same thing, create a pickup event, but I don’t set the pickup time until we have the definitive conversation about when the event ends. Often that’s happening at the drop-off so I’m setting the pick-up time in the car!
I’ll set drop-off events, too, e.g. a recent three hour commitment for my daughter was just a 15 minute drop-off event on my calendar since I was taking her and someone else was bringing her home.
An automated solution would be great.
For absolutely positively can’t forget about it events I use Due.
Due: The Superfast Reminder App for iPhone & iPad (dueapp.com)
You can create reminders with a Siri Shortcut.
+1 for Due. Easy to set and allows nagging.