Stream Deck Errors - Any ideas?

Is anyone else with an Elgato Stream Deck experiencing lots of yellow “caution” errors on lots of buttons? All my Keyboard Maestro buttons (using the “official” KM plugin) stopped working and give me an error.

I’m also trying out Ecamm Live and they have a plugin for Stream Deck to allow fast switching. Those also return the yellow errors.

The “KM Link” plugin, which I downloaded from Github and allows you to select a KM macro from a dropdown menu, is still working. So are the buttons created by the OBS Studio plugin.

Any thoughts on what might be going on? I tried uninstalling and reinstalling the Stream Deck software, but that didn’t seem to help.

Is your device plugged directly to your computer, using the original cable?

Yes. My first thought was maybe I was plugged into my Satechi dock, but no such luck.

I get those symbols sometimes but usually pressing the button a few more times makes it work.

Maybe a reinstall of the SD software is called for?

I tried that, unfortunately. I’ll try calling Elgato tomorrow. Apparently they are so swamped with help tickets that they shut down their support phones yesterday and today to concentrate on email support. :grimacing:

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FWIW, I needed supprot a couple of weeks ago and they got back to me via email within two days.

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Thanks - I’ve been so busy I haven’t called, so I may just send them an email.

I have this problem once in a while. Quitting the Stream Deck application and launching it again so far always helped to resolve it.