Suddenly missing pins in Messages?

Anyone else find that their “pins” in Messages suddenly go missing every once in a while?

This is the second time in a couple months. Last time I went from a full complement to zero overnight, I think around an update (but I’m not sure).

This time all but one vanished overnight – the one I was texting with most recently, I think, though that person isn’t my most frequent contact ordinarily. Edit: No update involved that I can tell.

I like the pinned-contact feature. But it’s pretty flaky, in a way that Favorites in Phone (pretty much the same functionality!) never has been.

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I found Messages to be one of the most unreliable apps on the Mac. I have seen pins got lost. And randomly reappear. Frequently names and pictures just disappear and only the phone number is showing. Some text messages don’t get synced to other devices, without any apparent pattern. Usually a reboot handles it.

I’ve never lost a Pin, but I don’t use Messages on the Mac though, only on IOS and iPadOS

This is only on iPhone that’s it’s happened to me so far