Suggestions for non-Apple RAM upgrade, iMac 27" 2017

I am considering extending the life of my iMac 27" which currently is running on 16GB RAM. I’ll probably double it, at least.

Anyone have a good brand they recommend? I am not looking for Apple original parts, as they are usually quite expensive.

Corsair is one option, Crucial seems to be even cheaper. We also have Kingston and Transcend… Really not sure which way to go here.


My 2017 27" iMac is running fine with a pair of 16GB DIMMs from OWC.


Ditto what @ChrisUpchurch said: OWC has 32GB for $150 and 64 GB for $300.


OWC will bump my iMac Pro to 64GB for only $719 (installed).
I’m not salty about Apple’s choices at all.
Of course it’s ECC ram, so more expensive. That would be about $300 to install, which maybe isn’t so bad considering it’s glued together, rather than having a ram door.

BTW, the RAM in my Mac is Hynix.
You can check your system report to see what brand is installed (or it could be rebranded as Apple).

+1 for Crucial. They’ve swapped out failed memory that was out of warranty for me in the past.

I am a fan of OWC memory. Have had very good luck and really like the company.

Apple uses multiple suppliers for RAM. Hynix, Micron and even Samsung can be found. Install the highest level you can afford and don’t look back. No one ever complains that they have too much money, are too good looking or their computer runs too fast!


Any of these should be fine, provided they are the compatible spec, so just get whatever is the best deal. I’ve used Crucial and Timetec Hynix and so far no issues after several years in my 2017 27" iMac.

Thanks all!

As I’m outside the US, OWC would probably be more expensive given shipping and customs.

I went with the Corsair, 2x16 GB. It was slightly faster and slightly cheaper than the Crucial option. Also, it was in stock, so the package has already shipped.

Really excited to see how much improvement I will see in performance.


Added 32gb of OWC memory to the 8 in my wife’s iMac and had stability issues. Ran fine with just the 8 or just the 32 but not with 40. Dumped the factory 8gb and just went with 32gb and all has been well.

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I’ve had an extra 64GB (2x32) of Timetec memory in my iMac for over a year without any issues. Bought it on amazon.

When I ordered my iMac in 2017, also ordered 64GB of OWC RAM. First thing I did with the Mac before I even turned it on for the first time was to pull out the Apple 8GB and install the OWC SIMMs. It’s been smooth sailing from Day One. Have never regretted that decision.

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Go for Crucial. It’s very reliable and they actually make their own memory chips. Rather, Micron is the chip company and they market their memory under the Crucial brand. Everyone else you named don’t make their own chips. They just buy them from other vendors like Samsung or Hynix so they’re all basically comparable and it’s often a bit of a lottery whose chips your modules will have. Same as most display manufacturers using LG panels or most portable battery vendors using Panasonic cells.

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