Sweep email rules for Apple mail on MacOS

Hi All, just wondering if anyone has come across a good method of keeping only the most recent email (or worse case older then X days) from a list of subscription in your inbox, archiving the rest. Microsoft offer this via outlook.com (called sweep rules), however I’m a gmail user.

The closest that I can get to in Apple Mail on MacOS is to use a few SmartFolders, the first is an “any” rule that matches messages to a list of email addresses. The second is an “all” rule that just shows messages that are in the match SmartFolder and older than 5 days. Next step is to setup an automation rule on my always on Mac that opens the second folder and deletes/archive messages.

I’m hopeful that someone has a far better idea that I could borrow :slight_smile:

message from = list of specific email addresses
message received date is = greater than 5 days

archive it

Thanks for any suggestions.

PS - I’ve tried to set this up just using Gmails rules, however they don’t have such a thing, and also the gmail interface is worse than apple mails rules interface.

That’s roughly the best I’ve come up with, using Apple’s stock apps. I wanted to auto-delete messages from specific addresses after a certain number of days (discount emails!).

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Yep that is the same kind of capability that I’m looking for. It’s stuff that has a short shelf life.

Here is the sweep feature from Microsoft Outlook / Hotmail, given I have a premium subscription (for Office Apps mainly) I might just start using it as my primary email.

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It won’t run automatically but you can create a rule in Mac Mail with:
From certain senders
Date received is greater than 5 days then
Move item to Archive mailbox.

If you type Opt-Cmd-L it will run the rules on the current mailbox. Rules normally only get applied to mail as it is received. I use a lot of rules to sort my incoming mail into various subject related mailboxes.


Thanks for the reply @glenthompson, just wondering how you setup the “AND” bit of that single rule?

I can’t set-up a single FROM match with email addresses separated by OR.

So that just leaves a rule that only allows me to enter a single email address at a time.

Here’s an example:

The ALL requirement makes it an AND for the conditions. No way to do complex logical operations with ands and ours together.