Switching to Alfred from Launchbar (maybe)

Once again I’m experimenting with Alfred but the lack of what I consider to be basic features is frustrating. It’s difficult to tell if this is in my understanding or a limitation of the software.

So first (in line) is looking at folder 1, then navigating to folder 1.1 inside it, then down to file 1.1.3

Either Finder navigation doesn’t exist in Alfred or is box I’ve not ticked yet

Have you looked here?

I don’t have need to do it often — I’m finding what I need via Devonthink for the vast majority of my searching — but have certainly used Alfred to navigate to specific folders and files, using only it and the keyboard.

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Finder navigation is available in Alfred. I type the folder name, then right arrow two times to navigate to subfolders.

I started with Launchbar, tested Alfred for some months, and switched back. Both are good. Part of the issue is muscle memory of using Launchbar for so long.

Alfred had some interesting customizations, but I found it a bit confusing. A Devonthink Alfred workflow.

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I’ve always found the navigation in Alfred to be clunky. If I need to do this, I just open the Alfred-found folder in Finder and navigate in Finder from there.

Sounds like Launchbar for file management and Alfred for other tasks… which dilutes the use of Alfred and possibly eliminates any justification for the Alfred Power Pack.

I’m going to persevere with both launchers for the short term and see if my muscle memory changes

For me, PowerPack was well worth it for Snippets (eliminating the need for Text-Expander), clipboard management, and workflows, and for goodwill. Although I noticed that the cost has gone up a lot (£22 to £59) over the years (I pay for the lifetime upgrades).