Hey MPUers,
I wanted to share a quick solution for converting your Typinator text snippets to Apple Text Snippets that can be used on iOS (since Typinator isn’t on iOS).
I’ve created an Alfred Workflow and a Python script (if you don’t use Alfred) that automates this conversion process. The script takes a CSV file as input (snippets can be exported in CSV from Typinator). It generates an plist file (Apple Text Snippets format). All you gotta do is:
- Open text snippet via settings. Select all and drag them to a directory. This will be your backup of the existing iOS snippets
- Delete the iOS snippets from the settings.
- Drag the newly generated plist file here.
Feel free to give the script a try and let me know if you have any questions or suggestions
Alfred Workflow: Trigger Universal action and type “Convert” and it should show up. Generated the output.plist in the same directory. Dropbox - Typinator To Apple Snippets.alfredworkflow.zip - Simplify your life
Python file: Dropbox - converter.zip - Simplify your life (this takes in the full path of the input CSV file as an argument) `python3 converter.py