Sync Typinator Snippets to Apple Snippets (iOS/macOS)

Hey MPUers,

I wanted to share a quick solution for converting your Typinator text snippets to Apple Text Snippets that can be used on iOS (since Typinator isn’t on iOS).

I’ve created an Alfred Workflow and a Python script (if you don’t use Alfred) that automates this conversion process. The script takes a CSV file as input (snippets can be exported in CSV from Typinator). It generates an plist file (Apple Text Snippets format). All you gotta do is:

  1. Open text snippet via settings. Select all and drag them to a directory. This will be your backup of the existing iOS snippets
  2. Delete the iOS snippets from the settings.
  3. Drag the newly generated plist file here.


Feel free to give the script a try and let me know if you have any questions or suggestions


@andy4222 This is exactly what I was looking for! But it didn’t quite work. I’m able to generate the new .plist file using the Alfred workflow, but when I drag it to the Text Snippets window in Settings, it doesn’t import. If I drag the backup .plist file back in, it does import.

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That can happen if you are using a snippet that isn’t supported by Apple Snippets. Use the below command on the generated file and it should guide you to the error-prone snippet (and remove it).

plutil output.plist

PS: space is not allowed in the apple snippet