The great Password Manager POLL of 2018

MiniKeePass on iOS and MacPass on OS X. The database was created several years ago on keepassx on a Windows machine which is yet compatible.

Dashlane added a VPN function to the pro version. (Manual off and on & logs are kept Donā€™t give a rip ā€¦ Encripted coverage across the restaurantā€™s floor is what I want. Donā€™t care to spoof country origin) Blah blahā€¦) But as a back-up to my free Tunnel Bear account Iā€™m pleased.

Been using Dashlane (guess) since 1990ā€™s. No comparison to other apps or brags, I do not know the competition.

Whereā€™s the ā€œYellow Post-It Note under keyboardā€ option? :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

I try to run my system as ā€˜plain vanillaā€™ as possible, hence the built in Keychain.

The results of the poll are interesting. Itā€™s not really surprising that 1Password is the most popular, but Iā€™m a bit surprised at just how dominant it is.

I missed the poll, but 1Password user here since V1

However, I must say that I am disappointed in the direction they are taking V7 and am sticking with v6. I donā€™t want to have universal key commands for 1PW as it interferes with my use of Logic Pro. I would like them to give us the option to turn that feature off.

Anyone else see the same problems that I am? I have the same key command to fill in passwords in safari as I do a critical function in Logic Pro - but when I am in Logic, 1PW takes over that key command. very frustrating.

Other than that - I love 1PW. The day that V6 no longer works will be a tough one though, and I will have to look hard at other options.

What would be a good password manager for people who use public computers? I would assume it would have to be web-based and free. I volunteer at the library and I think for some of these patrons, the library computer is the only one they have access to. These people are looking for jobs or taking exams online and I see them digging through notebooks, wallets, and purses for a little scrap of paper that has their password on it.

A bit late to the party, but hopefully useful
Pasword manager comparison