Things 3 and Saved searches


One of the gripes often put forward in the Things 3 vs Todoist vs Omnifocus chatter is the lack of saved searches in T3.

Have got around this very on Mac with the help of a Keyboard Maestro palette. Keyboard commands for them all. The searches are generated in the Things Link Builder page -
Use this all through the day.

A snap of the upper portion of the palette:

On iOS similar searches are saved in a note pinned at the top of the Bear listing. I keep Bear as a 2nd pane on the iPad, sometimes a s slide-over, but on the iPhone just swipe back and forth between the apps. Also use Launch Centre Pro on the iPhone with the same searches.

A snap of the non-confidential portion of the note.

Clearly would love the searches to be built into the software but, as Cultured Code are pretty firm with their beliefs, I doubt this will happen.

Steve J


A tip I got in the other thread: Just keep the links for the searches as notes in a project called „search“ (or whatever).