Things 3 Big Sur Design, New Widgets and more

I have found Things 3 to be a fantastic application. It is robust and yet a delight to use. Now, the updates make it even better.


I’m always so tempted by Things. I bought it years ago when it came out and its looks so good.

When they released this Big Sur update I once again installed it and ran the AppleScript to import all of my OmniFocus data into Things and tried it for a couple days.

It’s really a great application, and I wish I could make it work because it’s such a delight to use.

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Obviously, everyone’s needs are different but I have been able to effectively transition from OF, which included many custom perspectives, to using Things 3. In fact, for me, Things 3 gets out of my way more. But, this topic has been discussed a lot in this forum so I am not trying to restart that conversation. There are plenty of threads dealing with that already. :slight_smile:


Definitely don’t want to rehash any of it, I’ve read a lot of them. :slight_smile:
Are you making use of the URLs for the custom perspectives?

Also, more topically. Things really nailed the widgets, the padding and font sizing are spot on. One of the most useful widgets I’ve seen.

Not to continue the debate between OF and Things, I just always end up back to Things for the reasons you state, it’s just out of your way. My one big gripe being I wish you could complete repeating tasks early, and I’m not sure why they won’t update this feature because I’ve seen numerous requests. I hope its on the radar for Things 4 when that time comes. The Things development aside from that is pretty spot-on with incorporating new Apple features pretty much day one.

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I’ve always been tempted by Things every time they released a new feature. I have bought all versions but always find it lacking for the way I work. Wish that wasn’t the case. Happy that it is working for you. I’ve tried OF, 2Do but so far Todoist was the thing that worked for me as it jived with my workflow. One thing I’ve been jealous about Things is the deep integration with Apple’s feature.

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I am so tempted to go back to Things 3. As much as I love OF I hate the iOS app…

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