Things 3 Has Released Its Vision Pro App


Of course they did, since I just switched from Things back to OF. Not that I expect a todo apps to be a high priority use for me on it.


AFAIK more or less all anyone with an iPad app has to do is approve Apple putting it in the VP App Store

OmniFocus is releasing on Vision Pro when they release 4.1.

Things’ implementation looks great! The Mac version feels designed with the environment of the laptop in mind; the Vision version even more so.


But they didn’t just do that-they made a native app for Vision Pro.


Interesting. But it’s hard for me to imagine strapping on a VP to manage my to do list on a regular basis unless I was using it as a virtual monitor, in which case I could just use the Mac app.

Bear makes more sense to me, because I might want to make notes on what I’m watching or experiencing while wearing it.


Imagine that whenever you sit down at your desk, on the left hand side wall your task management app is always there waiting for when you need it. No launching, no swapping to the app. It’s effectively a virtual poster showing what you need to do.

Even better with OF, a perspective of work to do today.

When you do your weekly review, You move to a chair in the lounge. Your Review screen is waiting for you alongside your email inbox in an offline mode to allow you to understand where you are up to with everything.

Personally, I don’t see the need for a Vision Pro, especially not that that price, but If you have one anyway, it could be a huge enabler.


It’s funny, but the first thing I thought of using the Vision Pro for, while watching the event last year, was using it for reviews in OmniFocus. And the second use was mindmapping, which I imagine would work well. (As it turns out, MindNode for Vision Pro does indeed look pretty neat.)

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I have a $100 Dell monitor in portrait mode on my left with Things serving me as you have described :slight_smile:

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I wish I had the space

Similar setup here. Next challenge is daring to turn my head left :laughing:

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But can you make it the size of a wall? :stuck_out_tongue:

Things is already quite in-my-face, so no thank you for wall sized Things :stuck_out_tongue:

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