Thrilled! With Obsidian+Readwise+Zotero Workflow

I’m selective. I receive the weekly highlights and then add the ones I want to keep in Obsidian.

So, are you saying that you allow/wait for the algorithm to select the highlights? Or are you receiving a full weekly that you are selecting from?

This is an interesting workflow. Zotero can store both the bibliographic material as well as notes. How are you integrating this information into obsidian?

I’ve received a weekly selection of highlights based on the algorithm (which can be customized in settings in Readwise). Having said that, I month ago I cancelled my subscription. I was not getting enough value for the cost. Instead, I use Bookcision to download my highlights into Obsidian.

Selective makes sense. I was asking the technical question of how you are flowing things among the tools. I’m using the MDNotes plugin to create notes in Obsidian. I’ll take a look at Bookcision. Thanks.

Interesting, I’m not familiar with Bookcision, but have been running (& like) Readwise, and recently the Reader beta.
Thanks for pointing me towards an alternative.

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