Tile- not impressed by their product or culture

Exactly the same situation, bought AirTags on release day, and replaced all my tiles with them.
Deleted my tile account and asked for all data to be removed, yet received the new Privacy Policy email.
Maybe report them to your countries data regulator? It seems it’s not an isolated incident.

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Yes, I could do that, but it is a lot of work and I do not see this going anywhere.

While this US company has technically to comply with European Data Protection rules when dealing with European customers over the internet, it is not so easy to enforce them or to really check if they do (well, apparently they don’t as I have seen…). If the US company has an European branch like Apple in Ireland, it is more easy, but still complicated. Apparently there is a Tile Europe Ltd, but they do not really “advertise” where this Tile Europe Ltd. is being located at - one more point for “not impressed by their … culture”.

I do not want to open this can of worms over here (I am no lawyer, I do not feel qualified). Maybe, I just needed to complain. Sometimes it helps. Sorry. :slight_smile:

EDIT: There it is - Hertfordshire, England. - TILE EUROPE LTD overview - Find and update company information - GOV.UK. So, yes, Europe, and no, not the EU any more. Again: a lot of work, I have no idea where this would lead to (and no real interest in going down this rabbit hole). Tile’s mails go directly to “Junk” in the future. :wink:

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I suspect when they deleted your account they met their legal requirements. The fact that you continue to receive email from them just makes them spammers (IMO).

Exactly. I mark all incoming email that I’ve specifically requested not to receive as spam. Many web-based providers have features that kick those “mark as spam” back to the sending provider as complaints.

NOTE: I’m not saying I use “mark as spam” to unsubscribe from mailing lists. I’m saying that if I’ve tried to unsubscribe, and they refuse to either provide a method or honor the request, THEN I start marking messages as spam.